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Contact Us

If you would like to contact the Pathfinder Chorus or any of our Quartets to sing at your event to provide High-Quality G-rated entertainment.  From the National Anthem, 50's doo-wop, great barbershop and gospel favorites, we have your entertainment needs covered. Let us show you the joy of men's A Cappella Voices.

Tel:  Lee Cavner, Past President at 402 720 8253 


3200 E. Military Ave, Fremont, Nebraska 68025​

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Join Us

While we are not an organization of professional singers, we do expect you to be able to sing in tune without vibrato, have an ear to listen to what's going on around you, and have a lot of fun doing it!


We have a process when you are ready to join the Pathfinders: attend three consecutive rehearsals, advise any of the leadership team you are interested, and demonstrate that you can sing well and hold your part within a quartet in front of some of the leadership team. The audition music is the classic short song of "You're as Welcome as the Flowers in May"; you are welcome to use the music during the audition if you wish. It's not a huge pressure situation, but this verifies to us that you are committed and capable. We also do some movement on the risers to enhance the visual portion of the production -- it's not terribly difficult -- and it takes some coordination on your part. We have a visual team in place to help you.


Download the current Pathfinder Chorus Membership Guide (PDF) detailing some of the Pathfinder history, our current organization, a ready reference to the complete membership process, and an outline of chorus expectations.


After you pass the audition, there is a bit of paperwork with the Secretary, discussion of chapter dues and uniforms, and who you like to get your Man of Note (an award to the person who you feel was most instrumental in bringing you in to the Barbershop Harmony Society).

While reading music is a plus, it's not absolutely necessary. We have state-of-the-art part-specific learning tracks to help you learn your music and videos to help you with the moves.


We look forward to you joining us and know you'll enjoy your experience with the Pathfinder Chorus!

For more information on what it takes to be in the best Barbershop Chorus in Nebraska, please send an email to

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Pathfinder Chorus

3200 E Military Ave

Fremont, Nebraska 68025



Practice Times

Every Monday Evening at 7:00 PM

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© Copyright 2019-2022 Fremont Pathfinder Chorus,

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